Currently, there is no treatment that can cure Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Medicines and therapies targeting dementia have very limited efficacy, and most of the care for dementia is centered around early diagnosis and management of behavioral changes, optimizing physical, psychological, and cognitive health, and treating other medical conditions.
There are numerous new treatments being investigated, including Computerized Olfactory Treatment (COT). OTDS involves dispensing multiple odorants or scents in a programmed sequence and duration, typically plant-based essential oils to improve memory & identification abilities over time.
Olfactory abilities show age-related decline due to both peripheral and central factors. However, a significant decline in olfactory abilities, beyond that seen due to normal aging, maybe a biomarker for impairment of cognitive function, such as Alzheimer’s disease. It has been shown that individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease exhibit impaired odor recognition and identification abilities.
These changes in olfaction may occur prior to the appearance of disease symptoms. Dysfunction of olfactory perception affects around 10% of people over the age of 65. In contrast, 85% of people with Alzheimer’s disease experience olfactory deficits.
Evon Medics clinical research and ongoing clinical trials have shown that olfactory training can improve the regeneration of specific brain regions. For more information, please visit our clinical trials section.
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